“Let’s Go”: This command is used by Canine Companions for Independence to tell a dog to walk on a loose leash at their handler’s side, without pulling ahead or lagging behind.
I just started to learn the “Let’s Go” command this week. Sarah says I’m doing very well, so far. To perform the command perfectly, I have to learn to walk calmly beside my handler with my shoulder even with her leg, without pulling ahead or falling behind. I have to learn to walk this way on either side of my handler. When I become experienced with this command, I will be able to walk this way regardless of pace, change of direction, or distraction. I will walk where my handler walks, and stop when she stops. This seems like a tall order right now, but I know, with a lot of practice, I can do it!

Sarah started my training by trying to lure me into position with pieces of my kibble, but I wasn’t that interested in eating the kibble and was easily distracted. So, Sarah decided to try a more enticing treat. That worked! These new treats are super yummy! I’ll follow them anywhere!

Sarah takes me out to the driveway and I begin in a “sit” position next to her leg. She tells me, “Let’s Go”, and off we go. Sarah holds some of the super yummy treats in front of my nose, right next to her leg, and leads me in a walk for several feet. When Sarah stops, I stop and go back into a “sit” position.

The “Let’s Go” command is going to take a lot of practice, but I think I’m getting the hang of it. I have to learn to stay right next to Sarah no matter what is going on around me. But, there’s a leaf over there I must get!
This is hard work… But, I’ve got this!!
Good job Mackenzie! Nice job explaining your task too! Hope you’re giving Sarah lots of love for teaching you so well!