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DogFest Walk ‘n Roll

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Canine Companions DogFest is a family-friendly event that communities around the nation engage in to raise money and educate the public about their expertly-trained service dogs. All money raised is used to provide assistance dogs to people with disabilities free of charge. That includes me!

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You can register for a DogFest event as an individual or you can form a team. Registrants can customize a fundraising page to share what motivates them to participate and spread the word about the event. I encourage you to find an event near you – and Give a Dog a Job!

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You can give donations to an individual participant or to a specific DogFest event. Every dollar makes a difference!

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The 5th Annual DogFest Orlando was held Saturday, November 3 at Lake Concord Park in Casselberry. Friends and families, both human and canine, gathered for a day of fun. There were demonstrations, music, vendors, food and more. The band SWITCH made it a rocking good time!

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Thank you to everyone who participated in our local event!

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