It has been quite a crazy ride the last 10 days! It all started a week ago, Friday, when our Breeder Caretaker took all of my brothers, sisters and me to the Early Development Center at Canine Companions for Independence Headquarters in Santa Rosa, CA. It was time to leave our Mama Margie. It was a hard day, but at least I still had my brothers and sisters to snuggle with. We stayed there for several days while CCI made sure we were all healthy and ready to go to our puppy raisers. Four of my brothers and sisters had to stay a few extra days as they took part in a cognitive research study. CCI is doing research to determine if mothering styles has anything to do with how well a puppy does in training. All I know is my Mama Margie was the bestest!

I was supposed to fly to Florida this last Thursday, but the temperatures in California were not cooperating. Puppies aren’t allowed to fly if any point along the route (departure, layover or destination) is over 80 degrees. My flight was rescheduled for overnight Friday-Saturday. It was so hard to wait!
On Friday, I finally got to fly on an airplane! I was traveling with 3 other puppies bound for FL, too. But, we didn’t get to go all the way to FL. Yet. We were supposed to change planes in Los Angeles, but due to the heat, again, the airline decided we were not to continue. Our flight to FL was rescheduled for 24 hours later. So, we got to hang out at the LAX airport kennels for a day. More waiting! This is getting crazy!
Saturday evening, we finally got on the plane to FL. It was a LONG flight, but fortunately it was overnight, so I just slept most of the way. I was a little nervous, too, but I kept thinking about the wonderful family waiting for me. I arrived in Orlando, FL very early Sunday morning. My puppy raiser, Sarah, was there waiting for me. I was so happy to finally get to meet her!
We drove home and I got to meet the rest of my puppy raiser family. I will live with them for the next 18 months while I learn all of my basic commands. They are a very nice family – a mom, dad and 2 kids! I also got to meet Aubie, their pet Beagle. She’s an older lady and quickly informed me she’s in charge and she does not like to play. I’m sure we’ll still become good friends, though.
I am going to have so much fun with my puppy raiser family. I can tell they already love me and I love them, too.
Whew! What a crazy 10 days! I think I’m ready for a nap!
You have had quite an exciting journey for a young pup! Glad all is well!